Dear Roselle

Leaving is for the brave. You are brave.
You're one of the bravest girl I've met.

Brave to leave the comfort of home and friends to work thousand miles away.
Brave to live alone.

Brave enough to move in with guy housemates. I know they are your close friends but still, men have different cleaning habits and chores, not to mention late night video games or guy drinking session.
Brave enough to accept the aerial obstacle course Climb Max during our team building, and for the record, you did great on level 3.

Brave to gamble in stocks, equities and other investments.
Brave to dive and fall in love with the marine life.

Brave enough to go inside Unravel - The Haunting even though you're scared of hospitals.
Brave enough to express yourself. "I like you" girl.

Brave to leave the convenience and opportunities here in Singapore.
Brave to deal with the traffic back in the Philippines.

Brave enough to challenge the work force or explore other career paths.
Brave enough to see what we don't.

While leaving is an inevitable reality of life, scary but exciting, I am pretty sure you'll do great. It is my prayer that God would answer the deepest desires of your heart, may He bless all your future plans, grant the dreams whichever is best for you and may God prepare a hopeful path before you..

So go and live the life that you wanted to be, even if it requires leaving the life you have here. In the end, what matters is you tried. We will miss you though, I guess we'll just see you in Pinas, another reason for us to go home :)

Just remember you may have come as a stranger and colleague to us but you are now leaving as a friend.


Need to say that I had a hard time finding a solo picture of yours, maybe just maybe, you're not that brave enough in taking selfies. But who cares? So there you go a picture including all of us in the team! :) Ciao!


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