CCF: Stopping God in His Tracks
Genesis 18
Pastor Caloy Pena
There is a wide
definition of the word friendship or friend today. Social media has
somehow associated friendship to the list of people(you may or may
not met) who are linked to your account. Merely contacts you get to
see updates every now and then.
Genesis 18 gives us an
account of Abraham, a friend of God who was able to stop Him in His
tracks, this story redefines the meaning of friendship and reinforces
the depth of the relationship. But what does it mean to be friends
of God?
When we are friends
with God...
1. Fellowship with
Him becomes more fervent
“He saw... he ran...
he welcomed... he bowed low...” (1-2)
“...stop here... rest
in the shade... feet washed... let me prepare some food to refresh
you...” (3-5)
In term of presents,
God gets the best!
“...the best flour...
tender and choice calf... he took curds and milk...” (6-8)
In terms of
preoccupation, God gets the most!
“he was standing by
them” (8)
When we are friends with God, fellowship becomes more eager, more urgent and we lavish God with our gifts.
2. Our unbelief
becomes more apparent
When relationship
becomes closer our failures becomes more visible
“Is anything too
difficult for the LORD? (14)
A real friend will
continue to love us in spite of our imperfections. Both Abraham and
Sarah doubted about them having a child because of their old age, but
God corrected them with love.
3. The LORD Himself
becomes more transparent
Commitment to the
Abraham will become a great nation... all the nations will be blessed through Him (18)
Abraham will become a great nation... all the nations will be blessed through Him (18)
God bound Himself in
covenant with Abraham. He is committed to Abraham and revealed His
plans about Sodom and Gomorrah
Rule of
He will direct his sons to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just. (19)
He will direct his sons to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just. (19)
Justness of God's
I am going down to see if their actions are as wicked as I have heard. (20-21)
I am going down to see if their actions are as wicked as I have heard. (20-21)
Invitation to
discloses Himself to Abraham so that someone would stand in the gap
between a Holy God and a sinful man and intercede for them.
who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and
he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and
will disclose Myself to him." – John 14:21
disclosure is love and obedience, the more we obey God, the more we
love God, the more we love God, the more He reveals Himself to us.
“You are my friends if you do what I command you, no longer do I call you slaves for the slave does not know what his master is doing, but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” --John 15:14-15
Slaves obey out of duty, friends obey out of devotion. God wants a relationship of love.
4. Our prayers
become persistent
Audacity of haggling
with God(23-32)
The basis of persistent
praying is not about our character, or the gravity of our situation
but about the character of God Himself. The reason why we can
pray persistently to God is because of His nature.
God of justice.
“Should not the judge
of all the earth do what is right?” (23-25)
God of mercy.
“...let me speak even
though I am but a dustand ashes” (27)
“Please don't be
angry” (30, 32)
God of grace.
“But he hesitated..
the men seized his hands, his wife and two daughters, for the
compassion of the Lord was upon him” (19:16)
Abraham understood that
God is a God of justice, mercy and grace.
All of us who have come
to know Christ have access to this great opportunity to be friends
with God, but it is up to us to determine how deep, how intimate we
want to be friends with Him.
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