Growing Deep in Faith by Edmund Chan (Part 1)

I had the opportunity to read Growing Deep in Faith a book brimming with wisdom and encouragement from the leader-mentor-pastor himself Reverend Edmund Chan.

While reading this book, its not enough to highlight some words, I could highlight the entire book ;))

Below are some of my favorites:

The God of the Already

Joshua chapter 3 tells us the story of the crossing of the Jordan River, where Joshua thought us three essential principles:

Have a heart to follow
Have the faith to believe
Have the courage to act

Though nothing seems to happen. God has already acted. He has already done something. God is already on the move. God is already answering prayers.

Already! The question is, are you ready?

Are you ready with the heart to follow - that you might encounter His divine presence? Are you ready with a faith to believe - that you might embrace His divine promise? Are you ready to have the courage to act - that you might experience His divine power?

Are you ready to be blessed by the God of Already?

The God Who Multiplies

When you think of giving up on life, remember this three important things about God where we can place our focus:

1. Focus on what God has done. The Bible reveals God's awesome track record of multiplying minimum resources for maximum impact.
2. Focus on what God can do. God has demonstrated His gracious willingness and glorious power to multiply and transform us
3. Focus on who God is. He is the God who multiplies, what we put on His hand, for His glory!

When the problem is too big and the resources too little, bring it to Jesus. Perhaps Andrew understands this when he brought the five loaves and two fishes to Jesus to fed the 5000 multitudes.

Give your best and let God do the rest. The disciples discovered that God delights in using small things in a big way.

The God who multiplies is not just about numbers. Transformation is God's goal. Our God is not just the God of redemption. He is also the God of multiplication. And He is not just the God of multiplication, He is also the God of transformation.

Transformation must precede multiplication. God redeem us - so as to transform us - in order to multiply us.

Everything - God = Nothing
God + nothing = Everything


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