How would you define FREEDOM?

If we ask this question to people, more often than not, we get this response from them
Freedom is the ability to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want it.

In fact, somehow I would also thought in that direction, but when I heard the Sunday preaching of Pastor Peter several days ago, I got a better understanding of what true FREEDOM really is. Very interesting concept there, I knew that moment this will be part of my one-word-project.

FREEDOM is not the ability to do whatever you want to do in your life.
That is slavery to your own self.
True FREEDOM is the ability to say "No" to SIN and say "Yes" to GOD.
True FREEDOM is the power to act and do the RIGHT thing according to His ways and not ours.
True FREEDOM in Christ alone.

Image courtesy of flickr

To have more insights like this, you can watch the entire CCF Sunday service video by Pastor Peter Tan-Chi from this link


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