2014: 50 Reasons To Be Thankful!

Image courtesy of Photo.elsoar.com
“All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.” --Mitch Albom, Five People You Meet in Heaven

There were tons of reasons to be thankful for the past year but for some reason I am feeling lost and finding it hard to begin with. Maybe because there were too many of them. 
  1. 2014's 43 blog posts, not bad but I need more inspirations this year
  2. Favorable health for me and especially for my family in Philippines
  3. New friends and acquaintances I met this year
  4. New found passion in making no-bake cheesecake, this year let's try the baked version
  5. Safe year-ender travel adventure with family in Baguio city
  6. Graduating in CCF's Global Leadership Conference by God's grace and for the opportunity to share my testimony.
  7. Weekends!
  8. Time and discipline to hit the gym
  9. Starbucks 2014 Planner from Jasper 
  10. Great time with Glaiza and kids visit in Singapore last October
  11. Solitude
  12. Post-it notes and highlighters :D Keeps me more organized!
  13. Cambodia trip with good friends, temples pa more!
  14. CCF Sunday service streaming. I ♥ technology
  15. Successful and God-centered surprise birthday party for Nanay on her 60th 
  16. Friends who came over to visit in SG
  17. New assemble-your-own computer table care of IKEA
  18. Sleep and more time to sleep
  19. Opportunity to serve God through writing and kids church
  20. More recipes I was able to cook this year. Wee!
  21. Financial blessings
  22. GLC Wednesday classes. I am missing this right now.
  23. Changi airport! and the comforting feeling it gives me
  24. Perfumes!
  25. Parties I was able to attend to. Birthday, CHRISTmas, year-end, victory and more parties.
  26. Oxy 5. My ally against annoying pimples
  27. Thesaurus for supporting me in my writing fad
  28. Flat shoes. I 
  29. TED talks where ideas are worth sharing
  30. Permanent position in Visa
  31. My blogpost and wordpress sites for keeping up with my writing obsession 
  32. Graceful exit from Softenger
  33. Pillows!!!
  34. Free lunch and dinner from colleagues and friends
  35. Facebook for keeping me connected with family and friends
  36. Hokkien mee for saving most of my dinner
  37. Great movies this year
  38. My yoga mat for helping me out with my planking goal
  39. Ziplocks which I find very useful and handy
  40. Dried foods like dilis and tuyo. #yum
  41. Shower!!! 
  42. Green. Trees, grass or any growing plants, which i find refreshing to look at.
  43. Cute and sweet nephews and nieces- Godwin, Genesis, Raizel and Ramiah.
  44. Running watch birthday gift from Visa friends
  45. CHRISTmas season and the joyful spirit with it
  46. Sundays!!! CCF service, lunch with dgroup, discussions and friendship
  47. Finally after almost 12 months of waiting, my dead right toenail came back to life this year.
  48. Speculous cookie spread!
  49. Creative beans and inspirations I picked up along the way
  50. Steady 


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