I Don't Want ...

I don't want my vacation to be grand, I want it to be memorable.
I don't want my relationship to be perfect, I want it to be growing.
I don't want my friends to be many, I want them to be real.
I don't want my children to be rich, I want them to be wise.

I don't want my body to be attractive and hot, I want it to be fit.
I don't want my career to be stable, I want to be continuously improving in my craft.
I don't want my future husband to be ideal, I want him to be a man of God.
I don't want my house to be big, I want it to be intimate and comfortable.

I don't want my planner and schedules to be full, I want to be engaged in something valuable.
I don't want to be wanted, I want to be loved.
I don't want my life to be lived, I want it to be worth it.
I don't want my wants to happen nor wish it to happen, I'll try my best to make it happen.

--Author: Girlie Mangalo


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