How GLC Helped me Grow?

When Ate Jo asked me if I can share my testimony how GLC helped me grow, I can imagine my world stop for awhile. Yeah, that's how scared I am just to think I will stand in front of a crowd. In my mind I'm starting to think of reasons and ways how to graciously say 'No.' I understand we all have parts in God's kingdom, but maybe mine is just not speaking in front of people. I even thought of delaying my response hoping someone would volunteer so I would be spared, but I also knew that I could never trick God with all my excuses.

Few days ago, my colleague flew to India for a conference to encourage female fresh graduates about career opportunities they can have if they choose our company as a workplace. God impressed to me that if this colleague of mine was able to address people how awesome it is to work in our company, what excuse do I have not to stand here and declare how privilege I am to work in the greatest corporation of all, where God is our Big Boss.

Interesting wall decor
Just like secular companies, God equips His people through different trainings, one of which is Global Leadership Center (GLC), which most of us tonight were blessed to become part of, here in CCF Singapore.

GLC, not only being biblical but also practical and relevant to our daily lives has been a rewarding experience for me. I learned basic doctrines which I initially thought only Pastors and elders should know by heart, like how do we argue for God's existence, how to defend that Bible is not corrupted and Holy Spirit is a Person. Wow, these are AHA moments for me. But more than intellectual gain, GLC serves as an eye opener in my Christian walk. The weekly lectures, assignments and activities enabled me to reflect on my current condition as a child of God and as a human being.

Certificate with Pastor Peter's signature. Yey!
Knowing myself as someone who gets easily distracted by things around me, GLC helped me re-organize my focus by encouraging the participants to make our personal mission and vision aligned to CCF's great commission of making disciples. This served as my compass to every activity I will undertake and decisions I need to make.

GLC provided me deeper understanding and appreciation of the different books in the Bible. This inspired our group to go back to basics and be more rooted in the Scripture, as we plan to focus our small group discussion with the books of Bible, starting with Matthew.

The program also empower me to be an effective servant of God through holistic personal development. It is during GLC, that I was prompted to join in writing ministry as a response to the spiritual discipline activity, where we are encouraged to practice servant-hood and submission.
1 Peter 4:10, NIV Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
It's been an opportunity serving the greatest Writer of the best-selling book of all time and practice something which I love to do - writing.

It is also through GLC's persistent reminder, that we being disciples of God should take part in his great commission intentionally. GLC projects became avenues for me to exercise evangelism. By the grace of God, I was able to share the gospel to my Indian colleague, to our children housemates using gospel loombands and am now doing one on one discipleship with our helper using Won by One materials.

Groupie with Dgroup

One of the best part of my GLC journey, was I get to experience it with my small group, being able to personally check and follow up on each other, remind assignments and projects, and share our doubts or questions about the message. GLC became a medium for us to continue encouraging one another to grow more in Christ and a challenge to step out of faith.

Finally GLC's Family Life session, made me evaluate my relationship with my parents, siblings and relatives. It is now more than anytime in my life that I learned to appreciate them better. This November we celebrated my nanay's 60th birthday, where we organized a party to honour her and invited a church elder to share the word of God to our relatives. Somehow, God placed the desire in my heart to make every occasion an opportunity to declare God's faithfulness and an avenue to share the gospel to others.  

Going back to my hesitations to testify today, I remember asking God, "Lord am I sinning if in case I turn down the invitation?" I may not get the direct answer to my question but one thing I know, I might missed out the opportunity to honor God with what He has done in my life. So how did GLC really helped me grow, to be able to stand in front of you by God's grace, is one the many things I learned to embrace through GLC.

Because when God calls us, He will surely equip us.
Hebrews 13:21, NLT May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.

Groupie with other graduates

Me, Kytin and Belle


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