Kid's Camp 2009: SonHarvest @Batangas

3 days, 2 nights, 111 kid campers and 34 workers... whoooww!?

Seems purely statistics huh, but in these numbers hide the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord in our recent summer kid's camp ->> SonHarvest @Hacienda Darasa, Tanauan, Batangas last April 24-26, 2009.

Indeed the Lord never fails to WOW us... Our ministry prayed for 80 campers only, considering the financial downfall we're experienced today in the country, but God gave us 111 cheerful, amiable, active, diverse and interesting kids.

Quoting from the bible in Matthew 9:37(New International Version),
Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."

But in spite of worker's bounded headcount of 34(11 teachers, 14 youth and 9 adult volunteer), the grace of God is infinite and immeasurable for He sustains and strengthens us to accomplish this 3 day, 2 night agile event, where teachers and workers need to rise&shine at 5:00am for the devotion and lights off at 11:00pm after huddle.

I was just so blessed with our youth volunteers who does not rant or complain, but in their exhaustion generously give their service to this ministry. God bless you guys! You'll never know how your sacrifices can affect the lives of the kids that you're ministering...


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