Book: The Right Kind of Strong

In this book "The Right Kind of Strong: Surprisingly Simple Habits of a Spiritually Strong Woman" award-winning author Mary A. Kassian examines Paul's exhortation in 2 Timothy about the women of the church in Ephesus and brings to light the warnings and truths about seven habits that can drain women's strength.

Habit 1: Catch the Creeps
Sin does not advance by leaps, it advances by creeps -- one tiny compromise at a time.

Habit 2: Master Your Mind
If you struggle against sin, the victory will be won or lost on the battlefield of your mind.

Habit 3: Ditch the Baggage
Unresolved sins and issues will weigh you down and impair your ability to navigate through life.

Habit 4: Engage Your Emotions
When aligned with your mind and will, emotions can be used as a tool to help you move in the right direction.

Habit 5: Walk the Talk
You haven't really learned until you've put your knowledge into practice.

Habit 6: Stand Your Ground
Without solid doctrinal convictions, you will be weak and will slide away from the truth.

Habit 7: Admit Your Need
True strength is a paradox because it occurs when you reject the wrong kind of strong and embrace the right kind of weak.


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