Book: The Right Kind of Strong
In this book "The Right Kind of Strong: Surprisingly Simple Habits of a Spiritually Strong Woman" award-winning author Mary A. Kassian examines Paul's exhortation in 2 Timothy about the women of the church in Ephesus and brings to light the warnings and truths about seven habits that can drain women's strength.
Sin does not advance by leaps, it advances by creeps -- one tiny compromise at a time.
Habit 2: Master Your Mind
If you struggle against sin, the victory will be won or lost on the battlefield of your mind.
Habit 3: Ditch the Baggage
Unresolved sins and issues will weigh you down and impair your ability to navigate through life.
Habit 4: Engage Your Emotions
When aligned with your mind and will, emotions can be used as a tool to help you move in the right direction.
Habit 5: Walk the Talk
You haven't really learned until you've put your knowledge into practice.
Habit 6: Stand Your Ground
Without solid doctrinal convictions, you will be weak and will slide away from the truth.
Habit 7: Admit Your Need
True strength is a paradox because it occurs when you reject the wrong kind of strong and embrace the right kind of weak.