CCF: The Comfort of CHRISTmas

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Luke 2:1-20
Brother Fred Magbanua

What do you look forward to in Christmas? It can be the colorful decoration, the family reunions, vacation, cash bonus or indulge in food. While Christmas is a festive celebration it also brings unique pressure and challenges. As we look through the Scripture from the book of Luke, we will focus on the true meaning of Christmas that brings up the comfort and joy of this season. 

The birth of Jesus (verses 1-7)
Jesus’ birth is a fulfillment of various prophecies, to name a few:
1. Would be the seed of a woman (Genesis 3:15)
2. Born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14)
3. Promised seed of Abraham (Genesis 2:3)
4. Son of Isaac (Genesis 17:19)
5. Son of Jacob (Genesis 28:14)
6. The tribe of Judah (Genesis 19:20)
7. Family line of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1)
8. House of David (Jeremiah 23:5)
9. Place of birth – Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
10. Time of birth (Daniel 9:25)

Prophecies declare that God knows the beginning and the end. There were over 300 Old Testament references to Messiah that was fulfilled by Jesus. Sixty of them considered major prophecies. According to the book “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” by Josh McDowell, a study shows that the probability of fulfilling at least 8 of the 60 major prophecies to 1 person is 1 in 1017 or almost impossible. This tells us that God is sovereign and everything is orchestrated by Him.

As Caesar Augustus issued a decree, Joseph and Mary had to travel from Galilee to Bethlehem. By Joseph and Mary following the laws of man they fulfilled God’s plan.

God is sovereign even in your inconvenienced. Because God is in control, you can rest your heart, not be anxious and do your part to make His will happen.

Jesus is proclaimed to the shepherds (verses 8-14)
The verse tells us that shepherds out in the field which indicates a warmer season. Jesus born in December is a misconception as December is a cold season in that region.

An angel appeared to them and proclaimed the good news. Jesus’ birth is a message of peace, comfort, blessing for all the people. A message of salvation in Christ the Lord. A personal invitation to come to meet the baby Jesus. Just like how Jesus was proclaimed to the shepherds, there was no commitment to surrender your life or repent before you see Jesus. It is simply an invitation to seek Him.

Jesus born as a baby, meek and vulnerable but he did not remain as a baby. It’s not the end goal. Jesus is our Savior because he lived a sinless life, died for our sins and on the third day rose again. Christmas is just the beginning of a fulfillment of God’s saving grace. As we celebrate this good news of a Savior, let’s pray for sensitivity to share Jesus to others.

As God himself drew the shepherd to baby Jesus, He also draws us to see Jesus. God is revealing himself to us. We are all shepherds.

The shepherds seek Jesus (verses 15-20)
Shepherds were given clues to look in the city of David and find a baby in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. While they are considered lowly working people during their time, the shepherds were faithful Jews looking for the Messiah. They acted decisively and persistent, they had a n objective and they knew that it is God who made knew these things to them. They recognize the need to obey and when they finally found Jesus, they were joyful.

When God placed a word in your heart or asks you to do something, act quickly. Follow through on your commitment before the enemy snatches away that decision to obey. The true comfort of Christmas is about finding eternal life in Jesus and rejoicing.  As you pray for opportunity to share Jesus in a meaningful way, plan for it then do it.

In summary:
God is sovereign. We have to do our part.
God draws us to see Jesus as Savior and Lord.
We need to seek Jesus to proclaim and rejoice.

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