Dear Blank, Please Blank (Part 4)

Here's the latest set of my #dearbankpleaseblank entries.

Dear colleague,
Mobile tester ka na din pla?!
Sincerely, Maghapon ka kasing nagchecheck ng mobile phone mo eh.

Dear Starhub answering machine,
Buti pa ang number engaged.
Sincerely, The telephone number you dialed is engaged at the moment.

Dear 30 or 40 year old boys,
Whose priority are video games, clubbing, big-boy-toys and your friends.
Sincerely, Grow up.

Dear future husband,
I give up worrying. I'll just wear a zealous heart and put on my best dress.
Find me soon.

Dear Uncle,
Who took time and effort to push the door. You're my hero!
Thankful commuter sandwiched between closing doors of MRT.


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