Book: The Right Kind of Strong Summary

Habit 1: Catch the Creeps

A weak woman tolerates creeps (creeps into households). She doesn't know how to spot them, nor does she have the strength to resist their advances. A strong woman remains on the lookout. She knows that sin does not advance by leaps; it advances by creeps -- one tiny compromise at a time.

Habit 2: Master your Mind

A weak woman fails to guard her mind(capture). She is captivated and ensnared by patterns of thinking that are not in line with the truth. A strong woman aligns her thinking with the truth. She seeks to take every thought captive for Christ.

Habit 3: Ditch the Baggage

A weak woman is loaded down with sin, guilt, and shame (burdened with sins).  She doesn't deal with her accumulating baggage. A strong woman makes a habit of confessing quickly, honestly, openly, and with godly sorrow. She delights in the freedom and joy in Christ's forgiveness.

Habit 4: Engage your Emotions

A weak woman is governed by emotions (led astray by various passions). She suppresses her emotions, or she puts her brain in the park and lets her emotions drive her around. A strong woman gets a grip on her emotions. She doesn't let Satan use them against her. Instead, she offers them up to God as weapons for righteousness.

Habit 5: Walk the Talk

A weak woman doesn't apply what she learns (always learning and never able to arrive). A strong woman understands that nothing is learned until it is applied. She examines her heart for signs of hypocrisy and consistently takes small steps of obedience.

Habit 6: Stand your Ground

A weak woman doesn't have solid convictions (knowledge of the truth). She is swayed easily by new, popular ideas pushed by religious celebrities and Facebook friends. A strong woman exercises discernment. She holds fast to sound doctrine even when it is unpopular or seems old-fashioned.

Habit 7: Admit your Need

A weak woman embraces the wrong kind of strong (weak women). A strong woman knows that constantly learning about Jesus is what will make her strong. She acknowledges that all she is and has comes from Him. She is strong even when she is weak, for God's power is made perfect in her weakness.

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