2020: 50 Reasons To Be Thankful!

Image courtesy of littlehouseonthecircle.wordpress.com

The year 2020 has been a whirlwind of events both personally and globally. The covid-19 pandemic, travel restrictions, and calamities like Mt. Taal eruption, super typhoons that ravaged our country has made this year relentless and unprecedented.

But every cloud has a silver lining, we just need to find it. So I choose to be grateful. Here's my annual gratitude list for 2020. What's yours? 

1. Holidays with family in the Philippines
2. First run in 2020 with Gwen and Michelle
3. Being able to attend IDC 2020 in the Philippines with CCF SG delegates
4. Celebrating Tatay's 68th birthday
5. My sister Glaiza for picking/sending me off from/to the airport every time I go home
6. Friends I get to meet during my PH vacation
7. New place in Simei and its proximity to the office
8. Nearby 24/7 Fairprice, literally across our place
9. Finishing GLC One by One book with Glaiza and Menchu
10. Finishing GLC One by One book with Joan
11. Longest work from home setup I have ever been 
12. My work and my company
13. Perks of waking up late during the WFH setup
14. Perks of being able to work out in the afternoon during the circuit breaker
15. Almost weekly Sunday catch-up with ex-CPI friends to watch CCF service
16. Badminton games we get to play before Covid-19
17. Game nights with dgroup and friends
18. New online games I get to learn
19. Virtual birthdays we celebrated during the circuit breaker
22. The Significant Women(TSW) sessions with IDG 
21. Three weeks coffee detox 
22. Completing my two-week "No 'added' sugar" challenge
23. HIIT Wednesday and Saturday devotion with Raizelle
24. Workout Sundays with Dgroup
25. French press, coffee grinder, freshly brewed morning coffee and my almost zero waste coffee routine
26. #MakeYourOwnDrink initiative with Visa DDP Singapore initiative
27. Visa virtual volunteering opportunities
28. Progressing from girly to proper pushup  
29. Progressing in my squats challenge (from 50 to 200 squats in one day)
30. Blog articles I get to published this year
31. Hummus!
32. More savings due to fewer travels :|
33. The life and legacy of Dr. Ravi Zacharias
34. Consistent online family devotion every Sunday(completing CCF's MOTIVATE series) all by God's grace
35. Spartan Sprint Race Virtual challenge. Officially a Spartan finisher!
36. Finishing GLC One by One book with ex-CPI ladies during our Sunday catchup 
37. Starting Lifegoals material with Joan
38. Visa Patent certificate award 🏆
39. Friday dgroup and bible study sessions 
40. Weekend walks with the ladies
41. Convenience and happiness from online shopping 👡. Shopee surprise!
42. Technology(Zoom, Google Meet, Messenger) for making online sessions with family and friends possible
43. CBD discipleship group ladies(as we continue to grow in love, character, and in the Lord)
44. New workout toys (kettle bell and ab roller)
45. Songs of Hope Online Christmas Cantata for a Cause, Visa Giving Tuesday 2:1 donation matching program and the opportunity to help
46. New member of the family, cute baby "Adam"
47. Safety, protection(from covid) and good health of my whole family
48. New investments I got myself into this year
49. Closer family ties even in the midst of physical distance
50. Being able to finish reading the Bible again by God's grace.

Heavenly Father,
As we bid goodbye to 2020, our hearts remain grateful to the God who is our strength in the past year and our greatest hope for the coming 2021.


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