Thank You Ravi!

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May of 2020, the world lost a great if not the best Christian apologist of our time -- Ravi Zacarias

At the full age of 74, you have authored more than 30 books on Christianity, spoke to hundreds of conferences in different countries, and answered innumerable questions of man. But more than this achievement, you have led thousands of people to Christ. Challenging believers to thinks and thinker to believe.

Very blessed to see and hear you personally spoke in International Discipleship Conference(IDC) 2020 Trending Truth last January hosted by CCF Main in the Philippines.

Your preaching and messages were instrumental in making me re-think about my faith. While I grew up in the Christian faith, you made me realize the importance of not just embracing what you believe but understanding the truth and logic behind it. Be able to answer why you believe what you believe. 

Loved every minute I spent watching you answer some of the most difficult yet existential questions in the meaning of life, the authenticity of the Bible, the origin of man, morality, man's final destiny, all in defense of God.  You have introduced me to the magnitude world of apologetics. 

You are a blessing to mankind. And I'm sure heaven is more than delighted to welcome and keep you.
#ThankYouRavi @ravizacharias


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