Music: Safe

Hope this song written and sung by Moira Dela Torre encourages you just like how it encourages me. A great reminder of the reassuring love and comfort we have in the hands of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 
The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
The righteous runs into it and is safe.

Proverbs 18:10

Under Your grace, Your mercy amazes me
Under Your wing, Your shadow covers me Your promise of love where my heart is safely undone Speak to me, Lord, Your servant is listening Over the noise, I hear You whispering My hope has come and my heart is safely undone * I've found my fortress in You And my soul is anchored with You My resting place is in Your name Forever safe You are never far away Always reaching out to save My weakness covered by Your strength And I am found forever safe

Credits to Moira Dela Torre Youtube channel.


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