IDC 2020: Loving the Homosexuals Without Sacrificing the Truth

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I came and left IDC 2020 conference with a different heart and perspective about this matter. Convicted by the Holy Spirit, here are all the learnings I had specific to this topic.

Champion truth. We should not treat homosexuality differently from other sins like lying, disobedience, anger, adultery, pornography, addiction, and the like. A sin is a sin no matter how big or small it is. The truth is we are all sinners in the sight of a holy and perfect God. 

The speaker who is a former homosexual transformed by the grace of God, emphasizes that the church should be a place of healing and transformation not a place of condemnation, hatred, and rejection. It is a place of messed up people, not the righteous ones. Because the Gospel is not about who God is against but about who God is for. He died for the sinners. 

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: 
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -- Romans 5:8

As Christians, our goal is not to change their gender or identity but to bring them to God, for them to find their true identity in Christ Jesus. We should lovingly accept the LGBT community even if we don't agree with their lifestyle. 

Champion grace. Oftentimes, Christians are the first to throw judgment on them or offend them when they go to church. Why is it so difficult for Christians to dispense grace to homosexuals when we are the ones who should truly understand what it means to receive grace.

We can be passionate about sharing our beliefs and convictions to them but people are not changed by beliefs, people are changed by love. Pursue relationship with the LGBT community with love and grace. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Champion grace and truth.


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