Message by Pastor Peter
are meant to be celebrated. But if we are not careful we might commit any of
the following mistakes - become self-centered leading to pride or focus to past
and become complacent. As we celebrate 35th year we have to remember
why do CCF exist? The vision and mission of CCF is founded biblically from Matthew 28:19-20:
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching
them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always,
even to the end of the age.”
Be intentional in making disciples starting with your
family, your friends and colleagues and with the young people.
we remember CCF anniversary we should look forward to the promises of God.
Jesus’ second coming is the most momentous, dramatic and life-changing event
bound to happen. Every believer should be prepared for this. In Matthew 24:3, Jesus’s
disciples ask for sign of the end times and Jesus spoke of wars, famines and
earthquakes. Today we have been experiencing all of these in different parts of
the world. The conflicts and lawlessness in Venezuela and Afghanistan, the 226.7
million people starving in East Africa and the frequent major earthquakes around
the globe. Another sign that we should be watching out for is how God is working
in the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem: 1948 – Creation of the state
of Israel; 1967 – Israel took control of Jerusalem; 1980 – Jerusalem declared
capital; 2018 – United States recognized Jerusalem is the capital of Israel,
moved its embassy to Jerusalem.
Book of Matthew chapters 24-25 has warned us multiple times to be on the alert
and be ready for the Lord’s coming for no one knew when exactly He will come.
But how do we become ready?
Matthew 25:14, Jesus told his disciples the Parable of the Talents. A talent is
a weight or measure that can be used gold, silver etc. One talent weighs about
30 kg and is equivalent to a man’s 20 day salary during biblical time. Today
one talent of gold could be translated to Php 70M, five talents is Php 350M. The
parable tells us that the Master gave his servants one, two, five talents according
to his servant’s ability. There should be no room for jealousy and comparison because
it is the Master’s decision. Similarly, what talents has God entrusted you? It
can be your time, your abilities, your
resources, your relationships or your influences.
Faithfulness is not just maintaining
what God has entrusted to us, it is growing it and thinking for the interests
of the Master. Are you faithful? You are not your own, even your life, your family
or your children. You are a steward!
Don’t be lazy for God has entrusted you with many abilities, utilize it for the
interests of the Lord.
Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ
and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this case, moreover, it is required [a]of stewards that one be found trustworthy. – 1 Corinthians 4:1-2
After a long time, the Master came and settled with the servants.
These passages teaches us that each of us is accountable to someone. You are accountable
to the Lord based on what He has entrusted you. Be faithful. For whatever you
have here on earth is nothing compared to what you can have in heaven.
For we must all appear before the judgment seat
of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the
body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. – 2 Corinthians
two servants with five and two talents was commended by their master for being
good and faithful slaves. They were able to multiple the respective talents given
to them, as a result they were rewarded by putting them in charge of many
things and welcomed into the joy of their master. However the third servant gave
excuses by mentioning how his master was a hard man and not fair, so in his fear
of his master hid the one talent on the ground. The master then called the
servant wicked and worthless slave, took away the talent given to him, gave it
to the one who has ten talents and threw him into the darkness where there’s
weeping and gnashing of teeth.
third servant didn’t knew his master well and didn’t even care for his
interests. God expects us to grow whatever talent he gave us. It’s important that
we should be always ready on the coming of our master Jesus Christ. Why? Because
it will impact our life in eternity.
TWO Outcomes – BE READY!
done good and faithful servant
worthless slave
into the joy of your master
and gnashing of teeth
This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. –
John 17:3
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