CCF: Turn Disappointments to Blessings: Trust God
Pastor Peter Tan-Chi
How can you trust God if you don't know Him?
If your not happy being single then marry another unhappy single. This will only lead to double unhappiness.
To believe and not to obey is purely head knowledge. If you believe that Bible is the Word of God but haven't read the entire Bible, that is a BIG disconnect. How can you claim the promises of God if you don't read His word. Similarly if you believe that spiritual disciplines like quiet time, bible reading, fasting, prayer and the like are critical to your Christian growth but is not regularly practicing it, that is a BIG question mark as well.
People are meant to experience disappointments but there's one person who will never disappoint us - God.
Intimacy with God is the ultimate blessing.
Devils theology:
If God loves you He will bless you and you will have no problem. Since you have problem then God does not love you.
1 Peter 1:6-7
In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Trials are not forever.
Trials are for your own sake, so you would know if you have a genuine faith in God.
The book of John chapter 11 accounts the death and resurrection of Lazarus where we learned few things:
1. Believe God loves you
Trust on God's love for you, not your love for Him.
2. Wait on the Lord
Trust God's timetable.
Waiting is God's ways of making you the person He wants you to be.
John 11:14-16
So Jesus then said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe; but let us go to him.”
Even in the worst disappointed(death) of man, God is still in control. He has a purpose
With God there is no such things as hopeless or helpless situation
Have you ever thanked the Lord for whatever you are going through? Even in difficult times or circumstances that you don't understand.
In everything give thanks!
John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.
Islam - Mohammed never claim he is the resurrection and life
Buddhism - Buddha never claimed he is God
Hinduism - Believes in karma
Christianity - Jesus claimed He is the resurrection; claimed He is the son of God; He died and rose again
Christianity is the only religion where Jesus claimed He is God, died and was resurrected. Christianity cannot be moderately important if its true.
To Trust God means to Believe and Obey.
Christianity is always present tense. How can you say you're a follower of Jesus if you don't follow Him.
Obedience to God is always the best option.
Only God can turn a Mess into a Message.
Victim into Victor.
Test into Testimony.
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How can you trust God if you don't know Him?
If your not happy being single then marry another unhappy single. This will only lead to double unhappiness.
To believe and not to obey is purely head knowledge. If you believe that Bible is the Word of God but haven't read the entire Bible, that is a BIG disconnect. How can you claim the promises of God if you don't read His word. Similarly if you believe that spiritual disciplines like quiet time, bible reading, fasting, prayer and the like are critical to your Christian growth but is not regularly practicing it, that is a BIG question mark as well.
People are meant to experience disappointments but there's one person who will never disappoint us - God.
Intimacy with God is the ultimate blessing.
Devils theology:
If God loves you He will bless you and you will have no problem. Since you have problem then God does not love you.
1 Peter 1:6-7
In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Trials are not forever.
Trials are for your own sake, so you would know if you have a genuine faith in God.
The book of John chapter 11 accounts the death and resurrection of Lazarus where we learned few things:
1. Believe God loves you
Trust on God's love for you, not your love for Him.
2. Wait on the Lord
Trust God's timetable.
Waiting is God's ways of making you the person He wants you to be.
John 11:14-16
So Jesus then said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe; but let us go to him.”
Even in the worst disappointed(death) of man, God is still in control. He has a purpose
With God there is no such things as hopeless or helpless situation
Have you ever thanked the Lord for whatever you are going through? Even in difficult times or circumstances that you don't understand.
In everything give thanks!
John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.
Islam - Mohammed never claim he is the resurrection and life
Buddhism - Buddha never claimed he is God
Hinduism - Believes in karma
Christianity - Jesus claimed He is the resurrection; claimed He is the son of God; He died and rose again
Christianity is the only religion where Jesus claimed He is God, died and was resurrected. Christianity cannot be moderately important if its true.
To Trust God means to Believe and Obey.
Christianity is always present tense. How can you say you're a follower of Jesus if you don't follow Him.
Obedience to God is always the best option.
Only God can turn a Mess into a Message.
Victim into Victor.
Test into Testimony.
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