CCF: Abraham's Call: A Faith Journey

Genesis 12:1-20
By Popit Aragones

I. The Rise

A. Confidence in his calling ( Genesis 12:1-5 )
These passage give us an account how the Lord spoke to Abraham and given instruction to leave his country and go forth to the place that God would show him. Along with the calling comes a great promise from the Lord to make him a great nation and bless him. By faith Abraham obeyed God's calling even though he didn't where he was going.

B. Leave your comfort zone ( Genesis 12:6-9 )
A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.
As we learn to live in confidence in the calling that God has given us we don't just believe it and do nothing rather we take the necessary steps even if it means inconvenience.
The growth of our faith starts at the end of our comfort zones. We should not remain comfortable where ever we are because we should never stop growing.
C. Continuing faith amidst circumstances ( Genesis 12:10 )
As we follow God's Word, things wouldn't be smooth sailing all the time but Abraham taught us how to continue believing even if it means not seeing the results in his lifetime. A Christian faith is a continuing faith. As we continue in our faith journey, we should not stagnate and persist to progress in our bible knowledge, prayer life, deliverance from sin, in serving others and with our relationship with God.
As we believe in the saving knowledge of Christ, we should not stumble in our circumstances but pursue deeper relationship with God.

But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. – Colossians 1:23

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14

II. The Fall

A. Clouded judgment ( Genesis 12:10)
Abraham being the man of God he is, was not exempted from the challenges and stumbles along the way. We are no less than Abraham or even worse than Abraham. Each one of us has our own “Egypt” or drought that we are going through, but always remember before you give up especially in hardest times, to first seek the will of God and if things don't go your way, trust His ways.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. --Proverbs 3:5-6

B. Compromised faith ( Genesis 12:11-16 )
As we face trials resulting to clouded judgment, it will eventually lead us to situations that will compromised our faith.

C. Casualty of wrong decision
As Christians compromise their faith, someone somewhere is affected by our bad decisions. The flawed decisions we make has repercussion to people around us. Deviation from God's will may hurt our family and loved ones.

III. The Deliverance – Commitment of God to fulfill His promise ( Genesis 12:17-20 )

The hand of God moves with grace and mercy to protect His people even if they don't deserve His grace.

As we see ourselves in pain and drowning in sin, we could be confident that the hand of God is there to deliver us. Do not stop growing because of the obstacles life threatens you, because the moment to stop believing you might missed out the amazing plan of God in your life. His promise and purpose in your life is already engraved in His hand. Stay steadfast. Remain in the course. Have confidence in the calling God has prepared for you. 

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