Grateful Daughter

I quoted "I believe that moms are the bravest people on earth." from one of the many list I wrote in my One-word project "Believe." Do I need to present evidence to prove this statement? I will not be here if my mom did not took the leap of faith in conceiving me first in her mind then in her precious womb, took good care of me for nine long months in spite of all the physical and psychological changes she needed to go through and finally took that courage to deliver me even if it would mean putting her life at risk.

Mothers are indeed the bravest. Not because they can fight in wars and battle fields. But because they are willing to sacrifice even their own lives. They are the strongest. Not because they have sturdy muscles that can carry tons of load. But because they can give up their careers even their dreams for their children's welfare. They are the coolest. Not because they can provide the latest gadget and trendy stuff. But because they point you to the essentials of life. They are the prettiest. Not because they have full figured bodies. They had once before childbirth and rearing a family. But more importantly because they possess one soft and big heart who can love unconditionally. They are the happiest. Not because they have all the money in the world. But simply because they had you in their arms when you were still a child.

I read below poem somewhere but cannot find the original so I made my own adaptation :)
At age 3, "I love you, mom! I want to be with you all the time."
At age 7, "It's amazing how my mom knew everything, she's definitely my super hero!"
At age 12, "Hmmm, my mom is becoming annoying. She doesn't understands me at all."
At age 18, "My mom gets through my nerve, I want to leave this house!"
At age 25, "I think my mom is right after all."
At age 30, "I need to see mom and ask her advice on this."
At age 50, "Mom is precious, I don't want to loose her."
At age 70, "I love you, mom! I would give up everything to be with you." 
Heard this in one of the Sunday service's preaching in CCF shared about a mom speaking to her son, 
"Son, if you truly love me, do not build temple or mausoleum when I die. Respect me now, obey me now, while I'm still alive."   
Savour the moment with your moms. Talk to her while she can still hear you. Listen to her while she can still speak. Hug her while she can still feel your touch. Be with her while time allows you to be. 

Celebrate life with her. Cry with her. Travel with her. Dream with her.  

Moms are the diamonds of the family. Pure. Radiant. Authentic. Priceless.  

God bless all the mothers in the world!


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