
I believe that impossible is just a word.
I believe that you have so much love in your heart to give.
I believe in the One true and perfect God who loved us in spite of our imperfections.
I believe that food is a delightful recipe connecting people of different race, color and culture.
I believe that miracles do happen.
I believe that you are worth the wait.
I believe in the endless possibilities technology offers.
I believe that no matter how successful you become in life, you will always be the daughter or son of your parents, and as their children you got to respect and honor them.
I believe that dreams do come true.
I believe that kids are the happiest soul in the planet.
I believe in the redemptive power of prayer.
I believe that music can not be restricted by language. Heart understands it.   
I believe that I am a sinner, saved by grace through Jesus Christ.
I believe that even if you've been to all the corners of the world, stayed in the most luxurious hotel and seen the most-beautiful-places-you-must-visit-before-you-die list, there will never be a place like home.
I believe that words can bridge a thousand miles, that sincere encouragement can touch a person's isolated heart.
I believe that rain washes the impurities of this world.
I believe that a simple act of random kindness can make a big difference to a person's life.
I believe that God places people in our lives - family, friends, classmates, teachers, colleagues, mentors.
I believe that family is forever.
I believe that success is not measured by position, wealth or power you've acquired but the quality of relationships you've build with people.
I believe that exercise is not just the sweat and fats we loose. What matters is the discipline you develop out of it.  
I believe that the best things in life are not things.
I believe in the saving hope of writing.
I believe that your travel is not measure by miles but by the friends you met and the perspective you've gained.
I believe that moms are the bravest people on earth.
I believe in you!

Courtesy of Google


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