Seriously speaking...

thursday last week, I was so lucky to have been invited by a girlfriend to attend a talk regarding "Things we need to ask before we say 'I don't' to marriage" Honestly, when I first heard about the topic, I was really skeptic, because I thought that this talk was for singles who want to say goodbye to relationships... in the back of my mind i want to say to my friend, hey you can't be serious, i may not be in a relationship right now, but i'm not closing doors for it and i'm anticipating to have my own family in the future...

well thank God i never found the courage to say that to my friend.. and just found myself attending the talk... there i was reminded of how blessed i am for being a single person... the speaker highlighted answers to questions Where, When and How to find the right person God prepared for you... another thing that struck me was a comment from a guy, he says, "It is better for a man to remain single, than be married with the wrong girl." Plus 1 for that... don't worry guys cause we're on the same wavelength... :D

and if others find it too complicated to find their partners in life... i think the best preparation you could do before going to a relationship is just simple - just take care and preserve yourself as a gift for your husband or wife to be... :D


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